• Great Question!

    Posted by Larry Mednick on May 2, 2024 at 11:55 am



    Your Trikes look like a wonderful way to experience flying. Can you provide me with an advantage/disadvantage comparison of Trikes to Autogyros?

    Also, do you have anyone in the Gettysburg Pennsylvania area that would be an ambassador for your Trikes?



    Hi Bud, not sure how close some of these guys are to you, but let me know who might be from this list https://trikeaction.com/map/ the map is hardly complete, but maybe it can help.

    The things I like about the trike is just how smooth they fly through the air and the feedback of the wing in my hands. Simpy put, when I fly stick and rudder, its completely disconnected from the air and all my feedback is in my seat, The trike is like strapping on a pair of wings…

    Of course the trike is VERY SIMPLE with super low moving parts and folds up so easily to take to amazing places or avoid hangar rent https://youtu.be/PEq4DGu7zM0?si=87CzWeUCeY4W8sKt

    We also can have ballistic parachute systems, so that in the event of an emergency, one handle may safely land the entire aircraft under canopy.

    The other thing is comfort! You are not getting beat up by the sun as you are always under the shade of your wing and the motor is at a much lower power setting (less noise) to fly and the stick is not shaking. In fact it’s just perfectly smooth. This gyro guy describes that very well https://youtu.be/kaPyTd1U2b4?si=JO1QloECfFaKe8S_

    On the other hand although trikes can fly in the wind, they require much more skill for that and most pilots fly them in low wind https://youtu.be/SvJFCx9vJJI?si=g7gvBjrv_xhLUszJ even the little ones CAN… fly in the wind https://youtu.be/QEfLodyQ7Z4?si=9uMvmzRlCrHkShF2 but gyros are the king of high wind for sure. Even better than a larger heavy airplane.

    Hope that helps,

    PS. i took this opportunity to answer you more detailed and will share your great question on social media with a copy of my response.

    Larry Mednick


    Evolution Aircraft Inc.



    Larry Mednick replied 9 months, 3 weeks ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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