Summer Travel, RV+Trike+Dogs, North Carolina, New York, Illinois, Suggestions?
Shortly after I purchased my RevoLT, I had a stroke. Asking myself why am I still on this planet, I decided to retire, buy an RV, and trailer my trike around the country. Lake Nantahala’s, NC, Lake Lanier, GA, Buffalo, NY, New Buffalo, MI, and swing through Rochelle, IL for Trike Fest… Please reply to this post if you are in the area and can provide some places to fly, and hopefully assist in suggestions to park an RV for several days while I set up my RevoLT. (I think only Larry can set up a Revolt Double surface wing in less than an hour). Take a look at my profile pics. I hope to leave in mid-June, but can leave earlier because… I’m retired! Chris! Csteller67@gmail.com
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