Forum Replies Created

  • We have two seats left in the Oct. class. You’ll love all the hands on performing an annual and your daily maint. Plus hoses, clamps, prop pitch adjustment and much more. Plus an in depth work on carb syncs. We’ll cover it all plus demonstrate things that help alleviate maint. type misunderstandings and hearsay. We’ll be busy from 0800 – 1700 hrs. each day. You’ll also be way ahead of others after the carb sync lesson. Our class is also $210 less.

    Hope to see you there.

    If you can’t make the Oct. class there are seats open in the Nov. class.

  • Hi All,

    The class date is coming up. October 12th & 13th. There are a few seats left. We allow a max of 10 students due to all the hands on. You’ll love the class because of all the hands on and it covers all your daily maint., all your annual condition inspection maint., how to do a hose change and proper clamping. Plus how to set and adjust prop pitch. You learn carb sync in detail and you’ll be involved in doing one. Everyone seems to love the class and have a fun time. We’ve not had a single negative evaluation comment.

    So come join us and have fun and get educated on taking care of your Rotax engine.


    Even if you never plan to do your own maint. taking the class gives you all the information so you know when someone else has done it right.

    Roger Lee
    Tucson, Az.
    LSRM-A, Rotax Instructor & Rotax IRC
    (520) 574-1080 (Home) Try Home First.
    (520) 349-7056 (Cell)

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